Your question.
Can Viyo Recuperation be used for animals with skin problems, for example alopecia or atopy?
Yes, Viyo Recuperation contains the essential fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 3 in a high concentration and in the right balance 5-10/1. There is a visible result after 3 weeks. Viyo Recuperation also contains all essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Viyo Recuperation has the additional feature of being very well accepted, which is often of great relief when used in practices.
Viyo Recuperation has also proven its benefits for coat shedding, dandruff and a bad smelling coat. Testimonials from Viyo Recuperation users tell us that they see a difference after 3 weeks. Most coat treatments take 4 to 6 weeks, depending on how fast the therapy starts working.