About us

Viyo Recuperation is a new product and product category for veterinary clinics. It does not replace any product currently being used on the market. Recuperation may not be seen as equal to recovery. While recovery is mainly linked to intensive care patients, recuperation goes broader while used in the catabolic stressed patient.

In the past years nutrition has gained more importance in veterinary clinics. Research has shown that the healing and recuperation process is best stimulated naturally. Viyo International took approximately 9 years to come up with a formulation ideal for animals to recuperate after illness or surgery. We found that the main drivers for animals to recuperate should be delivered through a highly palatable liquid formulation, enabling the most important nutrients to be absorbed quickly and efficiently in the gut of the animal.

Viyo Recuperation contains all essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids) for dogs and cats and can be classified as the most complete, 100% natural, nutraceutical on the market without any artificial colorant or preservatives added.

With its highly palatable and liquid nutritional solution, the company helps thousands of cats and dogs every day in support of their recovery, and the number increases. In doing so, Viyo International responds to the growing demand for pet health products, for both the vets as well as their clients.

Viyo R&D with leading universities.

Prof. Myriam Hesta, Universiteit Gent

Highest palatibility for cats and dogs in the world (+ %). Published in “Veterinarni Medicina 57, Czech Republic.
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Prof. Marianne Diéz, Université de Liège

Viyo stimulates water uptake in dogs with 28 %.
Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2016, 6, 69-74
Influence of a Liquid Nutritional Supplement on Water Intake in Experimental Beagle Dogs Christelle Rotat, Estelle Lhoest, Anaelle Rauw, Marjorie Dequenne, Wim Van Kerkhoven, Marianne Diez
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Prof. Ronald J. Corbee, Universiteit Utrecht

Proven need for supplementing dogs and cats with Viyo during the 14 days recuperation period. Published in “Voor de Praktijk”.
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Prof. David C. Twedt, Colorado State University

Dogs with CPV that ingested an ORF demonstrated a faster return to voluntary food intake, as well as increased caloric intake during the first 24 hours of appetite return.

Topics in Compan An Med 31 (2016) 68–72

Palatability and Clinical Effects of an Oral Recuperation Fluid During the Recovery of Dogs With Suspected Parvoviral Enteritis Reut Tenne, DVM, MPH, Lauren A. Sullivan, DVM, MS, DACVECC, Elena T. Contreras, DVM, MS, Francisco Olea-Popelka, DVM, MSc, PhD, David C. Twedt, DVM, DACVIM, Jeffrey Fankhauser, DVM, Logan Mastrianna, BA, Michael R. Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
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Prof. Fumihito Ohashi, Osaka University

Report on the Study regarding the use of Viyo Veterinary and the convalescense after Surgery.

Prof. Ronald J.Corbee, Dr Wim Van Kerkhoven

Nutritional support early during the postoperative period or after onset of illness decreases the mortality rate and shortens the duration of hospitalization of dogs and cats.

Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2014, 4, 44-57

Nutritional Support of Dogs and Cats after Surgery or Illness Ronald J. Corbee, Wim J. S. Van Kerkhoven
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Prof. Michael R. Lappin, Colorado State University

A commercially manufactured veterinary ORF was found to be palatable, as determined by acceptance and preference testing, in healthy dogs during the preoperative and postoperative phases of routine sterilization with increased caloric intake by increased intake of amount of food.

Topics in Compan An Med 30 (2015) 35–38

Palatability Assessment of an Oral Recuperation Fluid in Healthy Dogs During the Perioperative Period Jethro M. Forbes, DVM, Amy Bell, BS, David C. Twedt, DVM, DACVIM, Laura E. Martin, DVM, Michael R. Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Justin C. Mathis, DVM, MS, DACVECC, Lauren A. Sullivan, DVM, MS, DACVECC
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