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The absorption of liquids/Viyo Recuperation. can vets always start at the same time after every type of surgery?
Whatever surgery you perform, we need to stimulate the animal to drink and eat as fast as possible. Achieving this within 2 hours would be great. This is not different for any type of surgery, even GI surgery. The only reasons not to feed in case of GI problems are: severe bleeding of the intestines, volvulus and constipation but not surgery. Liquids are easy to swallow compared to tablets and since the nutrients are already dissolved, absorption can be immediate. They are immediately ‘bioavailable’ and can work simultaneously together in absorption (95% in small intestine), just as nature intended. For example vitamin C greatly assists in the intestinal absorption of iron and are so synergistic. But what if both are dissolved differently and can’t act synergistically, something that will not happen with liquid formulations such as Viyo Recuperation. Also take into account that any supplement that doesn’t dissolve cannot be absorbed by the body. Liquid formulations may maximize the absorptive process by delivering nutrients at significantly lower concentration than pills and tablets. This reduces the potential of overloading the carrying capacity of carrier proteins and possibility of gastric discomfort in certain cases. Reported absorption rates vary, though latest studies indicate that around 98% of nutrients are absorbed from liquid supplements, compared to 10-20% for vitamin pills.