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can Viyo Recuperation be used in cases of coprophagia?
Coprophagia can be recognized in disorders that lead to Polyphagy such as EPI or a treatment with high doses of corticosteroids. Coprophagia and Pica are recognized in animals with a shortage of certain nutrients or with a behavior disorder. When the food that is given is very rich in carbohydrates (a surplus of grains and vegetable fibres), not very tasty or with a shortage of vitamin B1 it might cause the animal to develop Coprophagia. Coprophagia occurs with a lot of animals and is considered as normal behavior in a number of cases. For example bitches that eat the faeces of their pups. But there are more causes of Coprophagia in adult animals than these, as described below. Some of these should be considered as hypothetical.
It is indicated that dogs which are undernourished or which follow a low-calorie-diet can develop Coprophagia. Faeces of dogs with digestion disorders, whereby the digestion of certain elements is different or completely absent, appears to be potentially tasty for some dogs, thus the eating of it becomes rewarding. Another hypothetical cause is boredom of animals in kennels.
Possible medical causes given by Landberg et al (2003) are gastrointestinal disorders, kidney failures and endocrine deviations. Most of the 9 surveyed dogs suffering from Coprophagia had a low trypsin-like immune reactivity, where others showed abnormalities in nutrients. None of them had internal parasites, or abnormal faecal fat or trypsin. It is therefore suggested that, in a number of cases, the cause of Coprophagia is medical. An extended study on biomedical profiles, as well as research for spores, is being conducted in the US.
On the level of behaviorism, a dog seeking attention could experience this attention from its owner when eating faeces. Boredom or stress, for example, caused by poor living conditions, can also result in Coprophagia. It can also be part of a general Pica. In many cases it will not be possible to point out the exact causes. Therapeutically, the following is advised. At first, a change in diet can be applied, which is supported by the possibility that an undefined deficiency can be the cause as well. Several solutions or aids have already been described, such as egg-biscuits or adding vegetable enzymes to the dog’s diet.
For dogs eating faeces outdoors, it is advised to train them to obey a fixed command. Another alternative is using a retractable leash to avoid any contact with faeces. Yet another solution is training dogs with Master Plus, whereby a remote controlled air pulse can be released when the dog sniffs at, or eats, the faeces. A more complex method is making the faeces unattractive before walking the dog, by continuously putting salt or special sickening substances on them. In any case, it remains a difficult problem to treat.
Cats or dogs eating grass are being considered a problem when it causes vomiting or nausea. It can be considered as the cause but, even more important, as the result of an intestinal (flatulence and bowel) problem.
If we can prove that the reason for Coprophagia is linked to a shortage in Vitamin B1, then Viyo Recuperation may be of help.